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Modern insulation

Quadrant w twoim domu

Polyurethane foam from Quadrant allows
create eco-friendly and energy-saving
home for you and your loved ones.

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Modern insulation 3

Quadrant w twoim domu 3

Polyurethane foam from Quadrant allows
create eco-friendly and energy-saving
home for you and your loved ones.

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Modern insulation 2

Quadrant w twoim domu 2

Polyurethane foam from Quadrant allows
create eco-friendly and energy-saving
home for you and your loved ones.

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Modern insulation 4

Quadrant w twoim domu 4

Polyurethane foam from Quadrant allows
create eco-friendly and energy-saving
home for you and your loved ones.

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Do you know that?

Polyurethane foam insulation has
been around since the 1940’s.

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Insulation and spray insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam
Check what we do and what shower foam is!

Excellent insulation is a building insulation system based on QuadFoam500 foam, manufactured by Quadrant Urethane Technologies. Quadrant has over 40 years of experience in the production of polyurethane foam and is a leading producer of spraying systems and insulation in the USA.

Spraying PUR foam is an insulation made with specialized equipment. The polyurethane foam consists of two components: polyol and isocyanate. These components are sprayed, for example, in the attic using high pressure. Immediately after spraying the polyurethane foam, its volume is expanded and solidified. Using this method, spraying can be made up to 300 m2 in one day. The advantage of insulating with shower foam is that it can be used in both new and old construction. Insulations made of polyurethane foam are safe for health. Studies have shown that they do not emit any toxic chemicals.

The QuadFoam500 foam is certified by PZH and is approved for use in the European Union, including Poland. An unquestionable advantage of polyurethane insulation is that it does not allow fungi or mold to grow. It can be used both on wooden and steel constructions. Foam attic insulation does not have any nutrients, so it is unattractive for all kinds of animals, including kun.

It also prevents empty spaces in buildings that could be attractive to different animals. Polyurethane foam is currently the most effective insulation material used in construction. Thanks to the excellent properties and the increasingly affordable price, spray polyurethane foam is gaining more and more interest among investors.

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Modernization of the house through insulation with polyurethane foam by Quadrant not only creates a more energy-efficient, but healthier and more
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The Excellent Insulation company offers quadFoam®500 open-cell foam from the American company Quadrant Urethane Technologies.

The producer is a company with over 40 years of experience in polyurethanes, whose production takes place in two branches in the USA. The QuadFoam®500 foam is the highest quality insulating material that meets all construction standards and has all certificates admitted for sale on the EU market.

The material is appreciated by companies performing spray insulations in the USA, Canada and Poland. It has excellent parameters and the best performance on the market.

Our clients confirm that quality goes
in tandem with affordable price.

Get more information by phone:

 (+48) 661 991 991 

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The Quadfoam company offers modern construction, creating ecological and energy-efficient buildings, friendly to the environment and people. Using modern technology, we provide the highest standard of work, putting into use houses that suit our time – safe and warm.